How to change text colour in email body?

Hello All

Is there a way to change the text colour in the body of an email that is sent using the SendMail command in Eggplant functional ?

Any help will be much appreciated.


Hi Neel,

The formatting of the email is going to be driven by two factors: how you code the body of your message and whether the message recipient is able to receive HTML-formatted emails. In the code sample below, note two key pieces: the MailType and the additional HTML code embedded in the MailBody. Specifically, in this example, I am using the tag to turn each field header red.

Hope this helps,

If global ScriptOwner is empty then
	put "" into global ScriptOwner
End If

set MailHost to ""
set MailAuthentication to "none"
set MailUser to ""
set MailPassword to ""
set MailType to "text/html" -- formats email as HTML
put global TestResult.Duration div 60 into TestDurationInMinutes
put global TestResult.Duration rem 60 into TestDurationInSeconds
put format ("%02i",TestDurationInSeconds) into TestDurationInSeconds
put TestDurationInMinutes&":"&TestDurationInSeconds into TestDuration
put global TestResult.LogFile into ScreenError

put "<table>" into MailBody
if Global TotalBatchNumbers not empty
	put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Batch Numbers:</span></td><td>"&&Global TotalBatchNumbers&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
end if 
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Duration:</span></td><td>"&&TestDuration&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Errors:</span></td><td>"&&global TestResult.Errors&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Exceptions:</span></td><td>"&&global TestResult.Exceptions&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Log File Location:</span></td><td>"&&global TestResult.LogFile&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Run Date/Time:</span></td><td>"&&global TestResult.RunDate&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Status:</span></td><td>"&&global TestResult.Status&&Global CriticalError&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
put "<tr><td><span style="color:red">Warnings:</span></td><td>"&&global TestResult.Warnings&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody

if Global FilesCompleted not empty
	put "<tr><td>Files Completed:</td><td>"&&Global FilesCompleted&&"</td></tr>" after MailBody
end if 

set Recipient to global ScriptOwner
set Title to "Parameterized email test"

If global TestResult's Status is "success" then
	set Title to "Eggplant Manager: SUCCESS - Test:"&&TestName
	sendMail (To:Recipient,\
			Body: MailBody)
	set Title to "Eggplant Manager FAILURE - Test"&&TestName
	sendMail (To:Recipient,\
			Body: MailBody)
End If

Apologies for the late reply. I think I understand what you are saying.
The example is quite useful for what I was looking to do.

Many thanks Dave.

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