How do i compare a read in excel file values to the values on the SUT in eggplant?

I have imported a excel file into eggplant and can view my data in the Variables panel in the execution screen.

How do i now compare the data in the Variables panel to data read from the SUT using OCR?

Depends exactly how you want to compare it. Probably an assert statement.

put ReadText(TopLeftCoordinates,BottomRightCoordinates) into MyFoundText
assert that MyFoundText = MyExcelData with warning


assert that ReadText(TopLeftCoordinates,BottomRightCoordinates) = MyExcelData with error

Or use if statements if you want more complex stuff to happen based on the results.

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Thank you Logan.

The data is spread across multiple sheets.
How do i point the data in the spreadsheet to the data on the SUT for that particular sheet and row/column.

would your answer above cover that?

Column A has all the headings and the rest have data i want to compare to the SUT one by one and yes with assert statement either error or false etc.

Compare DummySheet1
Hostname: dummy01-block01 (Column B Row 4) with the SUT and report back a false or error

Some reorganization of your worksheet will make life a lot easier for you, but it is not absolutely necessary. I would suggest separating the two tables into two worksheets. Or just have more columns if you like. And I would transpose all of the data. The point is that EPF will read the worksheet as an actual table and you can reference the columns and rows by name just like you would a sql table (or whatever).

Something that looked like this would probably be easier to work with:

Hostname Manufacturer Model Local Storage Present Local Storage Type
dummy01-block01 Dell Dell Model Yes HDD
dummy02-block01 Lenovo Lenovo Model No SSD
dummy03-block01 HP HP Model Yes SSD

set myExcelDB to {type:"Excel", file:(ResourcePath("Test.xlsx")), name: "DummySheet1"} 
put the records of myExcelDb into Configurations
//log Configurations

repeat with each item Host of Configurations
	if Host.Hostname = "dummy01-block01" 
		put "Looking for"&&Host.Hostname&&"attributes."
		//Determine how you are going to find the searchrectangle for each attribute here:
		put [topleft of "image1",bottomright of "image2"] into MySearchRectangle
		put "Manufacturer:"&&Host.Manufacturer
		assert that ReadText(MySearchRectangle) = Host.Manufacturer with error
		put "Model:"&&Host.Model
		assert that ReadText(MySearchRectangle) = Host.Model with error
		//Local Storage Present
		put "Local Storage Present:"&&Host."Local Storage Present"
		assert that ReadText(MySearchRectangle) = Host."Local Storage Present" with error
		//Local Storage Type
		put "Local Storage Type:"&&Host."Local Storage Type"
		assert that ReadText(MySearchRectangle) = Host."Local Storage Type" with error
	end if
end repeat

You could probably also find a handy way to place your hostname into a variable so you wouldn’t have to have a script set for each one, and then you wouldn’t have to know them in advance. But start small and work your way up to that. Try turning one or more parts of this into a Handler too.

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If you really don’t want to format your spreadsheets into proper tables you CAN reference them by absolute coordinates. That’s explained pretty well in the documentation here:

It’ll make your life miserable though if that spreadsheet ever changes/gets updated.

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Here’s the log with the asserts commented out:

1/14/22, 11:12:41 AM	START		Running Selection from Scratch_Logan/SCRATCHWork.script
>>> 11:12:41 Start handler 1: scratch_logan_scratchwork
set myExcelDB to {type:"Excel", file:(ResourcePath("Test.xlsx")), name: "DummySheet1"} 
put the records of myExcelDb into Configurations
repeat with each item Host of Configurations
	if Host.Hostname = "dummy01-block01" 
		put "Looking for"&&Host.Hostname&&"attributes."
Looking for dummy01-block01 attributes.
		put "Manufacturer:"&&Host.Manufacturer
Manufacturer: Dell
		put "Model:"&&Host.Model
Model: Dell Model
		put "Local Storage Present:"&&Host."Local Storage Present"
Local Storage Present: Yes
		put "Local Storage Type:"&&Host."Local Storage Type"
Local Storage Type: HDD
end repeat
	if Host.Hostname = "dummy01-block01" 
end repeat
	if Host.Hostname = "dummy01-block01" 
end repeat

<<< 11:12:41 End handler 1: scratch_logan_scratchwork (normal exit)
Selection Executed in 0:00:00
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Thanks Logan, i have managed to absorb the speadsheet data into eggplant using the following.

set Dummysheet1_tab to worksheet (excelfile, "DummySheet1")

put 0 into spreadsheet_multiple
set cellrange to "B".."Z"

repeat forever
   		put (spreadsheet_multiple*22) into cell_number
   		put Dummysheet1_tab.cell("B"&(2+cell_number)) into host_name
  		repeat for each item in cellrange

          		put Dummysheet1_tab.cell(it&(4+cell_number)) into host_name
          		if host_name is empty
               		put "yes" into horizontal_done
               		exit repeat
          		end if
          		put 0 into cell_amount
          		put "no" into horizontal_done

        		repeat 19 times

                 	put Dummysheet1_tab.cell(its&(5+cell_number+cell_count)) into global structure.(DummySheet1").(cluster_name).("A"&(5+cell_number+cell_count)))
                 	add 1 to cell_count
         	end repeat
end repeat
add 1 to spreadsheet_multiple
put (spreadsheet_multiple*22) into cell_number
put Dummysheet1_tab.cell("B"&(4+cell_number)) into host_name
if host_name is empty

      	 exit repeat
  		end if
end repeat

Still having issues comparing this data (spreadsheet) with the SUT (which is a VMware virtualization platform). Apologies for the back and fourth as I’m fairly new to eggplant.

e.g. Speadsheet in eggplant : Hostname - dummy01-block01

matches or doesn’t (True/False) match the SUT VMware virtualization platform.

i am looking into getting a data dump of the VMware virtualization platform, so potentially doing a comparison with a excel sheet. At the moment that is unavailable so having to compare to the SUT.