Android: VNCServer recommendation?

My understanding is that “Vmlite VNC server” is the recommended software to run eggplant on Android tablets. Please correct me if this is incorrect as this was what we were told during our eggplant training session.

We are having issues getting VmLite VNC app controller for MAC (v1.0.2) talking to the android tablets (eg. Nexus 7 (v4.2.2)). The moderator has said currently v4.2 and 4.3 is not supported.

Could you kindly advise which VNC server you recommend your clients to use that work with android v4.2.2 and v4.3 devices with eggplant?


Android 4.3 has introduced a compatibility problem that we are working diligently to address, but 4.2.X should still be working fine.

You shouldn’t need to use the VMLite android app controller with eggPlant 12.21 or later. The functions of the app-controller are now contained within eggPlant. Just use “Add…” from the Connection Panel to select the connected Android device.